The Wait – Chapter 1

“Do you, Ajoke Omolewa, take Enitan Boluwatife to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, to honour him, submit to him, keeping yourself solely unto him and forsaking all others as long as you both shall live? If so, answer “Yes, I do.” The registrar spoke with a smile on his face. He knew the answer to the question; he had never seen anyone who did not answer in the affirmative.

Ajoke opened her mouth to speak, but she was unable to form the words the minister, her family members and Enitan waited to hear. Her eyes were trained on the man who had just walked into the registry and sat quietly at the end of the hall. He had walked in unnoticed but Ajoke’s attention towards him was beginning to attract stares in his direction.

One by one, Ajoke’s family members comprising her father, her mother, her six elder brothers and her two teenage children looked back to find out what had caught her attention. Enitan, also confused at the sudden change in Ajoke’s mien, looked in the same direction. He could not recognize the stranger, and he wondered why the man’s presence had suddenly affected Ajoke. He turned to look at his bride and saw tears streaming down her made-up face. What on earth is going on?

Suddenly, there were quick movements in the hall. Ajoke’s aged father was struggling to get up, his face taut and his jaw set but Ajoke’s brothers were faster. Ajoke’s youngest brother touched the father’s shoulder and slid his right palm down his chest repeatedly. Their father took the cue and relaxed in his seat. His sons were capable of handling the situation. The six brothers stood up one by one and marched towards the end of the hall.

Ajoke, knowing what her brothers were capable of doing, left Enitan and the registrar at the podium and started running towards the end of the hall.

“Ajoke!!!” Enitan called as he watched her break into a run.

She stopped to look back at Enitan, tears streaming down her face and drawing black lines on her wet cheeks as a result of smeared mascara; her eyes pled for understanding but the plea only made Enitan more confused.

Enitan looked around for answers. Who was this guy whose sudden presence had stalled his wedding? He looked at Ajoke’s parents and searched their faces for something he could grasp. Ajoke’s mother slumped her shoulders as she watched an imaginary being in her open hands while her father’s neck was stretched to the back as he trained his attention on the on-goings down the hall.

Ajoke reached the end of the hall just as her eldest brother, Adisa held the stranger by his tie, rough handling him. The stranger coughed as Adisa held him by the neck. He refused to hold Adisa’s hand or try to stop Ajoke’s brother from strangling him.

“What are you doing here, you bastard?” Adisa asked, gritting his teeth to contain his anger.

The stranger only looked at Adisa without a word or plea. Ajoke’s brothers had gathered round, but no one stopped Adisa from his bid to strangle him. Ajoke pushed through the circle and knelt before her eldest brother.

“Bòdá mi, ë jò ó, ë má pa á.

“My brother, please don’t kill him.”

“Will you go back to the front and continue with your wedding?” Adisa said to Ajoke, his eyes blazing.

“I will, but please don’t kill him,” Ajoke said, her face now a total mess.

Adisa refused to let go of the stranger.

“Àdìsá, fi sílè.

“Adisa, leave him alone,” Their father said authoritatively. He had trudged down the hall after Ajoke had broken into a run. He reached the end of the hall panting and sweating in the air-conditioned room. His wife had not accompanied him as she now stood, talking to the registrar, the groom, his elder brother, his uncle and aunt. Her hands were clasped as she pleaded with them. They all looked at her through the confusion clearly written on their faces.

“Ehn, Bàámi kí lë sö?

“Daddy, what did you say?” Adisa asked, as he looked at his father with anger.

“Mo ní ko fi sílè. 

“I said you should leave him alone.”

Adisa squeezed the stranger’s neck once more with new strength making the man gasp before releasing him. The man coughed as he loosened his tie and rubbed his neck. His face was sober as he looked at Ajoke’s father. As the old man’s tired eyes met his, the stranger dropped his gaze and lay flat on the floor. Ajoke’s father sighed deeply and shook his head.

“Bàámi, ë jò ó, mo fé ba s’òrò”

“My father, please I want to talk to him,” Ajoke said to her father.

Ajoke’s father nodded to show affirmation and turned back.

“I would like to talk to him alone. Please,” she said when her brothers refused to leave.

“You better know what you are doing.” Adisa advised Ajoke. “And as for you,” he said pointing towards the stranger. “I will still deal with you.”

Ajoke watched her brothers as they all filed back to the front of the hall, leaving her and the stranger alone. Her brothers, however, kept their eyes on them as they monitored their discussion from afar. As she turned to look at him, he knelt before her and tried to hold her hand. “Don’t touch me, Adejoro,” she said.

“I know I have hurt you deeply, but please hear me out.”

“Hear you out? What could you possibly have to say? Hmm….Adejoro. What?”

“Ajoke please.”

“Adejoro, what did I do to you to deserve this? What was my offence? Tell me.” She sobbed.

“Ajoke, it is not what you think?”

“I gave up everything and gave you my all. But you trampled it under your feet and threw it back in my face. Just look down the hall” – She said nodding towards the front. “Did your children come here? Did they acknowledge your presence?”

Adejoro looked towards the front pews and sighed. So those are my children? He placed his hands on his head and bowed his head in shame. His children did not recognize him. They did not know who their father was. Fifteen years was a long time for any man to abandon his family. He knew he had messed up, but he wanted to make it right if Ajoke could give him an opportunity to.


As Ajoke looked at his bowed head, she remembered how she had fallen in love with Kokumo nineteen years ago. Both of them had attended the same secondary school in Ayobo, a village in the Alimosho local government area of Lagos state, Nigeria. The village which had now grown into a suburb had mostly low-income earners as residents. Ajoke’s parents had struggled to send her to school as they barely had enough to eat with seven children. Her mother had given birth to Adisa, two sets of twin boys and another boy before having her. Her father tapped palm-wine for a living while her mother processed garri. The little they made from the sales of palm wine and garri was used to feed the large family.

As much as her father valued education, he had told all his children that the best he could do was to educate them up to the secondary level. After that, he encouraged each one of them to go learn a trade. Her elder brothers had all learnt one trade or the other, but Ajoke being the last child and only girl, had been confined to helping her mother at her garri business so it could thrive.


Kokumo was an Abiku. His parents said he always died at birth and returned to torment his mother again, and again. To stop the scourge of death, the sixth child was marked before burying, a normal tradition among the Yoruba. Even though, Kokumo did not return with the mark (as it was believed would happen), he was still named Kokumo, – meaning will not die again. After his birth, his mother decided to give childbearing a wide berth. Kokumo’s father was a peasant farmer while his mother sold seasonal fruits which were planted and harvested by her husband.

Kokumo and Ajoke attended the same secondary school but only became acquainted with each other in their senior secondary class. They were both in the Arts class and did the same subjects, which drew them close together. Ajoke’s parents had been unable to afford to buy her textbooks, so Kokumo was always on hand to share or lend her his books. They became reading partners and within a short period of time, love found them.

Each day, they both trekked a great distance which took them about an hour to get home from school. Kokumo lived in Ikola, another village adjacent from Ayobo; the forked junction between their villages served as the end point before each faced the journey home alone.


Ajoke looked at the man before her, her husband of three years and father of her children. What a wasted life she had lived married to him? She and Kokumo had been denied of their young love and she had been married off to Adejoro because her father, mother and elder brother had said he was ‘man enough to take care of her’.

As the tears began to make their way down her cheeks again, her mind found its way back in time to when Kokumo meant the whole world to her.

The story continues…..

I am glad to have you here. Yippee…. 💃💃💃

The story continues, however in print form.

As you can see from the comments, a few have ‘waited’ for ‘The Wait’ 😁   Yes, I can say that 😉

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The Wait for The Wait is over!


Yours in writing ✍️


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Yesterday Lives – Chapter 22

‘Did you girls have fun?’ Alex asked; looking back at the girls who were seated behind. He was riding shotgun as Jide drove them back to campus.

‘Yeah, I loved the movie. Grace has good taste.’

Grace smiled. ‘It was fun.’

‘So will you oblige that we do this again sometime soon?’

Grace looked at Ayotunde. ‘Of course.’ Ayotunde danced to an imaginary sound.

‘Thank you. I will be glad.’

Jide parked the car in front of the girls’ hostel.

‘You both made my day.’ Alex smiled. ‘Please think about somewhere else I may like to see. A tourist attraction or so.’ He said looking at Grace.

‘I will.’

‘Thank you Alex. We would call you when next we are free. For how long will you be in naija?’ Ayotunde asked.

‘I’m hoping I can conclude my project in a month.’

‘Okay then. Thanks once again.’

‘No, you and Grace deserve the thanks.’ He said as he smiled at them.


As the girls eased out of the car, Chinwe saw them from afar. She began to run towards them. Jide was about driving away when she got to them. ‘Hiiiii Alex.’ She said breathlessly.

Alex looked at her and smiled. ‘Hi Chinwe. How are you doing?’

‘I am good.’ She said as she patted her face. ‘Are you taking them out now? I thought we agreed that I would show you around Lagos. I kept waiting for your call.’

‘We had no agreement Chinwe. I said I would call you if I needed help.’

Chinwe faked a laugh. ‘Okay. So should I expect your call soon?’

Alex shrugged as he waved his hand and asked Jide to continue driving.


‘So this is what you girls want to do. You want to snatch him from me, abi? Your plan will never work.’ Chinwe shouted at the top of her voice.

Ayotunde and Grace looked at her with shock.

‘You cannot talk now, abi? Dem put padlock for una mouth?’

Grace began to walk away but Chinwe dragged her back.

Ayotunde hit Chinwe’s hand hard and she lost her grip on Grace. Chinwe became furious and started moving towards Ayotunde.

‘Chin-we, Chin-we, you no know me. Go ask them who Ayotunde be for Ajegunle. If you try touch Grace again, I go show you who I be for this campus.’ Ayotunde said as she stood nose to nose with Chinwe.

Chinwe stepped back and hissed. ‘So na common Ajegunle girl you be? Shior!’

‘Yes, na Ajegunle girl I be and I no shame to talk am. You just try me for this campus and I go show you say I no be butter.’

Chinwe started walking away. When she got to where Grace stood shivering, she looked at her from top to bottom and spat on the ground.

Ayotunde walked furiously towards her and Chinwe broke into a run. ‘This girl don craze.’ She said as she ran.

‘Let’s go inside.’ Ayotunde said as she held her friend by her hand and led her into the room.


‘Thank you.’ Grace said; tears gathering at the corner of her eyes.

‘Hey, what are we friends for? No one messes with my bestie and goes free.’

Grace wiped the tears which were now spilling on to her cheeks. ‘Did you truly live in Ajegunle?’

‘Yes, I did.’

‘Is that where your parents are? Ayorinde doesn’t like talking about them.’

Ayotunde shrugged. ‘Because there is nothing to talk about.’

‘Don’t you miss them?’

‘I miss my dad. I talk to him once in a while.’

‘And your mum?’

‘What are we having for dinner? Let me get something for us to eat.’ She said ignoring the question. She was about to step out of the room when she looked at Grace. ‘Don’t mention what happened this evening to Ayorinde, please.’

Grace nodded. ‘Okay.’

Ayotunde smiled. ‘C’mon cheer up.’


Alex spoke with Grace and Ayotunde every other day on the phone asking about their studies. He told them his project was proving difficult but that he knew he would definitely overcome. Ayorinde also made sure he called Grace every night. They talked for hours on the phone until Grace dozed off with the phone to her ear. Most times, Ayotunde removed the phone from Grace’s hand while she was asleep and kept it by her bedside.

A week later; Alex, Grace and Ayotunde visited the Lekki Conservation Centre. Grace almost had a seizure on the long canopy walk. When they got off the canopy, Ayotunde laughed out loud. She told Grace that she needed to have more guts.

They decided to take a rest and Ayotunde asked to be excused. She needed to use the restroom. When she was gone, Alex smiled as he looked at Grace.

‘You were really scared up there, right?’

‘Yeah!’ She said raising her eyebrows. ‘Ayotunde is a crazy girl. I don’t understand how she isn’t scared of anything.’

Alex laughed. ‘She is truly one tough cookie. You know I like you girls a lot. You have made my stay here worthwhile.’

Grace blushed. ‘Thanks.’

‘And I really like you.’ Alex said as he moved closer to her.

‘Erm….don’t you think you are seating too close?’ Grace scooted away from him.

‘I’m serious Grace. I think I am falling in love with you.’

Grace coughed. ‘I’m sorry? You said what?’

‘C’mon Grace, you heard me the first time.’

‘Oh goodness, this is not happening.’ She said as she put her hand on her forehead.

‘Why?’ Alex asked as he removed her hand from her head.

‘Alex, I have a boyfriend.’

‘So? Is he serious with you?’

Grace frowned. ‘Yes, he is serious. And just so you know, he is Ayotunde’s elder brother.’

‘Oh wow!’

‘Yes, wow! So I am going to pretend this conversation never happened. Okay?’

‘But…..’ Alex was saying when he was interrupted.

‘Guys, so where were we?’ Ayotunde said walking up to them happily.

‘We were ready to go home.’ Grace said as she stood up.

‘So early?’

Grace looked at Alex. ‘I thought you said you were ready to take us back to school.’

Alex sighed. ‘Yes.’ He said as he stood up.


When they got to the hostel, the girls waved at Alex and Jide drove off. The expression on Grace’s face was blank while Ayotunde was all smiles.

‘Grace, what happened while I was away? You changed towards Alex all of a sudden.’ Ayotunde asked as they walked into the room.

Grace looked at Ayotunde without giving a response. She lay on her bed and turned her back to her. ‘I told you hanging out with him was a bad idea.’

‘I don’t understand.’

Grace faced her friend. ‘The guy was talking about falling in love when you went to the rest room.’


‘Yes. I just knew hanging out with him wasn’t a good idea. But my friend was excited and made us do it.’

‘C’mon don’t be dramatic. We both had fun hanging out.’

Grace sat up. ‘Yes, we did but I love your brother. Don’t you get that?’

Ayotunde smiled as she stood up and hugged her friend. ‘I love you too.’


 Aderemi called her sister later that evening.

‘Hey sis.’

‘Are you alone?’ Aderemi asked.

‘Yes, why?’

‘Where are your roommates?’

‘Ayotunde went for an evening tutorial. The others went for a party outside campus.’

‘Okay. I just wanted to be sure you are alone.’ Aderemi reiterated.

“What’s going on sis? Is Daddy okay?’

‘He is fine. I called because of your boyfriend.’

‘What about him?’

Aderemi took a deep breath. ‘He was the one that attacked me years ago at Kingsway with a gun.’

‘What? I don’t understand what you are saying.’

‘You were still little and there was no need to bore you with the details the next morning. I’m sure you remember Folake, my friend.’

‘I think so.’ Grace hesitated.

‘I went to her send forth party. I was robbed that night by your boyfriend. He was with someone else who was much younger and sincerely, I don’t know if it was your friend. They took my bag, phones, everything at Kingsway bus-stop at the traffic light. I had nightmares after that incident. Thankfully, it stopped after a while. Since I came back from the U.S, I have been having those same nightmares again. And it started after I met your boyfriend. Daddy was a little worried and wanted me to see a therapist but I refused. Last night, I had the same nightmare again and this time, I saw your boyfriend clearly. I mentioned to you that his face was familiar but you did not believe me. I knew I had seen those eyes before. It was so clear to me this time. I’m sorry Grace. You have to stop seeing him. He is not the person he claims he is.’

Aderemi thought the call had dropped as Grace was quiet.

‘Grace, Grace…..’

‘Yes sis. I don’t know what to say. I find this hard to believe.’

‘I know you do but you have to believe me and stop seeing him.

‘I can’t sis. I love him. I’m sorry.’

‘Grace, have I ever done anything to hurt you?’

‘No.’ Grace sighed.

‘Then believe me. He is no good for you. Stay away from him.’

‘I…..I can’t.’

‘Then, I would have no choice but to tell Daddy.’

“Sis, you promised!’ Grace cried.

‘I’m sorry too Grace. The situation is different and I want the best for you. I love you too much to allow you fall into a ditch while I watch.’

‘Sis, don’t do this.’

‘Good night darling.’ Aderemi said as she cut the call.

The story continues…

Yesterday Lives – Chapter 21



This is Alex.

‘Hi Alex.’ Grace said as she looked at her phone screen and adjusted her ear buds. She was lying in bed reading a novel when the call from Alex came in.

‘I was thinking maybe we could hangout sometime soon. You know maybe show me some fun places in Lagos.’

‘I thought Chinwe was doing that already.’

‘Hmm…well, I ain’t so comfortable with your friend.’

Grace took a deep breath. ‘My course mate.’

‘Yeah, your course mate. So the three of you are studying Drama in the University of Lagos?’

‘No, just Chinwe and I. Ayotunde is studying Guidance and Counselling.’

‘Oh wow! That’s cool.’ Alex said.

Grace smiled.

‘So what do you say to us hanging out together? Jide will take us.’

‘I’m sorry, Alex. But it is a No.’

‘Why? It is just a harmless hangout over food and drinks. And it ain’t just you and I; Ayo inclusive.’

‘I will think about it.’ Grace said; willing the call to end.

Alex smiled. ‘Please do. And save my number. I will look forward to your call. My regards to Ayo.’

‘Okay.  She will hear. Bye.’ Grace said as she ended the call.

She dropped the phone on her bed and continued reading.


Ayotunde walked into the room tired. She slumped on her bed and looked at Grace. ‘You have been reading that book since I left for lectures.’

Grace shrugged. ‘What do you want me to do nau? Nobody to gist with. You and the others all gone for lectures.’

‘I’m famished. Do we still have that concoction rice that we cooked?’

‘Yeah, I left some for you on the stove. It is there.’ Grace said as she pointed to a corner of the room.

‘Urgghhh! Thanks. You are a life saver.’ Ayotunde growled as she picked up the pot and started eating directly from it.

‘Madam, we get plate oh.’

‘Leave plate. Belle no know the difference.’ Ayotunde ate hungrily.

‘Alex called.’ Grace said as she put down the novel and sat up.


‘He said he wanted us to hang out with him.’

‘Why? I thought Chinwe was doing that already.’ Ayotunde said as she finished the food and dropped the pot on the floor. She picked up a sachet of water from a full pack by her bed. She bit into it with her teeth and gulped.

‘Ahn…ahn, na so you hungry reach? See as you dey behave.’ Grace rolled her eyes.

Ayotunde ignored her and finished the water she was drinking. She squeezed the sachet and dropped it into the pot. ‘Haaa!’ She exclaimed. ‘A hungry man is truly an angry man.’

Grace shook her head.

‘Ehen! What were you saying about Alex?’

Grace hissed.

‘Tell me nau. Don’t be angry.’

‘He was asking that we hang out with him. I also asked him the same question about Chinwe. He said he wasn’t comfortable with her; that his taxi driver will take us to wherever.’

‘Hmm….well, he looks like a cool guy though.’ Ayotunde replied.

Grace rolled her eyes.

‘What?’ Ayotunde gesticulated. Is there anything wrong with us hanging out with him? Well, as long as it is somewhere in public sha and in broad daylight.

‘I don’t like the idea. I told him no.’

‘Babe, loosen up jor. You too dey cack up. You know you never see life reach me o. Let’s hangout with him. We could go see a movie with popcorn and drinks. Something different from this regimented life on campus.’

‘What about your brother?’

Ayotunde raised her shoulders. ‘What about him? I don’t understand.’

‘I’m dating your brother, Aunty. Why should I be hanging out with another guy?’

“Uh…uh…’ Ayotunde exclaimed excitedly. ‘You didn’t tell me that. So Ayorinde is now doing things behind my back. Hmmm….hmmm?’ She put her hand on her chin and bobbed her head.

‘C’mon babe. I just agreed to date him a few weeks ago.’

‘Ehn, a few weeks ago but without him telling me anything.’

‘You are impossible’ Grace laughed.

‘I know. I’m happy he is happy.’ Ayotunde lifted her fingers in the air, snapped them and dramatized with her body and hands.

‘You missed your calling, you know. You would have done better in Theatre Arts.’

Both of them burst out into laughter.

‘Okay, seriously. Call Alex and tell him strictly daytime activities. We can go watch a movie. Let me check my time-table. Hmm….do I have anything tomorrow? I know you are free till next week.’ Ayotunde said taking charge.

Grace shook her head as she lay down on her bed to continue reading her novel.


Aderemi walked into the kitchen yawning. Her father was already having his breakfast of toast and tea. He looked up from the newspaper he was reading.

‘Good morning Daddy.’ She bent down to kiss him on the cheek.

‘Good morning my Princess. Hope you had a restful night.’

Aderemi sighed.

‘Still having nightmares?’ Adeleke asked as he dropped his mug on the table.

‘I don’t understand anymore Daddy. Some nights are okay but some nights, I wake up sweaty and all.’

‘Should we see a therapist?’

‘Dad, I’m not crazy.’ Aderemi said giving her father a side look.

He shrugged. ‘I didn’t say you were. I am just worried and think we should understand what could have triggered this series of nightmares.’

‘I will be fine.’

‘It has been how many weeks now?’

‘I know.’ Aderemi sighed. ‘Since I came home almost 2 months ago.’

‘I think it has lasted for too long.’

‘Dad, I will be fine. Trust me.’

Adeleke took a deep breath. ‘Okay.’

‘Away from all this, when are you leaving for the workshop?’

Adeleke looked at his wrist watch. ‘About ten minutes.’

‘Can you make that thirty?’


‘I have been working on a project for some time.’ She yawned. ‘I don’t think I have been getting enough sleep. That – could even be why I am having nightmares.’

Adeleke looked on.

‘Anyway, back to what I was saying. I’m thinking of using the empty space inside your workshop. When you are done with your client’s cars, you always have to get one of your boys to get the car washed two streets away.’

Adeleke nodded.

‘So, I want to turn that empty space into a car wash, so that you don’t have to take the cars out of the premises any longer.’

Adeleke opened his mouth to speak but Aderemi raised her finger.

‘I know what you are thinking; the space is small.’

Adeleke smiled.

‘I thought about that and that’s why…..’ Aderemi yawned again. ‘I was at the workshop three weeks ago to take measurements.’

‘You were?’ Adeleke asked; shock clearly written on his face.

‘Yes.’ Aderemi laughed. ‘You were in the office upstairs and I told the guys not to bother you. I took measurements and came up with the perfect solution. Some of the areas around the workshop are not properly maximized. We would have to breakdown some places, partition some areas and viola we have a larger space to take a car and all the gadgets for a car wash.’

‘Architecture plus business. I definitely did not waste my money.’ Adeleke clapped. I’m glad you came back home.’ He said pulling his daughter into a hug.

She moved close to her father as she hugged him back. ‘I wasn’t going to leave you all alone with that little brat.’ She laughed.

‘Talking about her; have you heard from her?’

‘Yes, we spoke about two days ago.’

‘How is she? I spoke with her last week. She said they were practicing for a show.’

‘She is good. You spoilt that girl.’

Adeleke laughed. ‘You are my Princess. She is my Angel and both of you mean the world to me.’

Aderemi shrugged. ‘Give me thirty minutes. Let me take a quick bath. I will show you what I have been doing the last one month.’ She said as she ran down the hall.

‘Okay Princess. Should I make a toast for you?’ He called out.

‘Yes Daddy. Thank you. No onions please.’ She shouted from her bedroom.

Adeleke laughed. ‘Yes, your Highness.’

The story continues…

Yesterday Lives – Chapter 20

Alex picked up his luggage from the airport baggage carousel. He looked around and smiled; it was good to be home. He rolled his luggage beside him and walked out of the airport. He hailed an airport taxi and reeled out the address of the Airport hotel.

‘No worry, Oga. I know where you dey go.’ The cab driver said as he stepped out of the car. He opened his boot quickly and dumped Alex’s luggage into it. ‘Go sit inside moto, Oga.’

Alex eased into the car deciding to ride shotgun. He was fascinated by the high rise buildings and he nodded and smiled.

‘Oga, na your first time be dis?’

‘Yes, it is.’ Alex smiled as he looked at the driver.

‘Ah, Oga. This our country na fine country. Just that our leaders no good.’

‘Hmm…’ Alex nodded.

‘We don reach the hotel.’ The driver pointed as he collected a parking tag from the security at the gate. The gate bars were lifted and he drove to the front porch of the hotel. ‘Make I give you my number. Just call me anytime you wan go out. I go come carry you.’


The driver reeled out his number and Alex punched it into his phone. He had bought a sim at the airport and he decided to test it. He dialed the number given to him and the driver showed it to him. ‘I don see your number, Oga. Quick quick, you don collect naija number.’ He said excitedly.

‘Yes, I got it at the airport. How much is my bill?’

‘Na just 5k sir.’

‘Wow, isn’t that a lot of money for a short journey?’

‘Ha Oga!’ The driver laughed. ‘Na airport taxi oh. Instead make you just dey waka waka inside airport, na premium service I give you wey I come carry you for front of arrival terminal with car wey get AC. You know you no suppose feel our naija heat.’

‘Hmm…’ Alex grunted as he pulled out his wallet, took out some five hundred and one thousand naira notes and scrutinized them.

‘Na that one wey dey your right hand be one thousand naira. The one wey dey your left na five hundred naira.’

Alex looked at the driver and smiled his thanks. He pulled out four more pieces of the one thousand naira notes from his wallet. ‘What’s your name?’


‘Okay Je-day. Thank you.’ Alex said as he handed over the cash to him.

A porter was already waiting to receive Alex’s luggage. Jide pocketed the cash and eased out of the car quickly to open the booth. He took out the boxes and handed them over to the porter.

‘Thank you Oga. No forget to call me oh.’ Jide called out as Alex eased out of the car and walked into the hotel.


‘Where you wan go, Oga?’ Jide asked Alex as he sat in the taxi the next morning.

‘I just want to go sight-seeing. I don’t have any place in mind.’ Alex replied.

‘Hmm….make I carry you go beach. We get fine beach for Lagos and maybe you go even try our food sef. You fit chop pepper?’

‘A little.’

‘Correct!’ Jide laughed as he drove out of the hotel premises. ‘I go carry you go chop. You go chop pepper soup, correct buka iyan with efo elemi meje, nkwobi, suya……

‘Am I eating all this today?’ Alex asked cutting him short.

‘Ha, if your stomok fit carry all, why not?’

‘We’ll see when we get there.’ Alex said as he took out his camera and started capturing shots of the city.


The traffic on Ikorodu road was a long stretch and Jide decided to take a shorter route. ‘I wan pass inside Yaba. Dem don talk am for radio this morning dat traffic dey third mainland bridge. I no even understand wetin dey cause traffic for this Lagos. You go reach front, you no go see anything.’

‘Is that right?’

‘Yes oh. Nothing go dey front, meanwhile traffic go dey. Lagos traffic no dey get sense.’

Alex laughed. ‘Is that a University?’ He asked pointing when he saw students walking in and out of a campus.

‘Yes, na Unilag be dat?’

‘Wow! Can I have a look?’

‘You wan make we go inside?’

‘Yeah, I just want to have a look and see how a University in Nigeria looks like.’ Alex shrugged.

‘Okay.’ Jide replied as he did a detour and faced the University of Lagos.

As they drove in, Alex picked up his camera and began to take pictures. He asked Jide to drive slowly so he could capture the beauty of the environment.

‘Wow, look at that.’ Alex said as he pointed to the area overlooking the lagoon. ‘I want to go there.’

‘We no go reach beach today oh, Oga.’

‘Don’t worry, we will. Park here.’ Alex instructed. He eased out of the car, walked towards the seating area and starting taking shots.

He was about walking back to the car when he saw some students performing a drama at a corner. He noticed they were oblivious of his presence so he decided to watch them and capture a few shots.

‘Okay guys.’ Let’s call it a day and meet tomorrow same time. The guy dressed in a black tee-shirt on a pair of washed jeans who seemed like their leader spoke. He shook the hands of the guys and gave the ladies a high-five. The three guys who had been acting plus their leader dispersed in groups of twos in different directions, leaving three girls behind.

The girls chatted excitedly and Alex smiled. He was about to walk away when one of the girls looked in his direction. He was immediately struck by her beauty. He looked at his wrist watch. The time read 3:30pm. He shrugged as he decided to walk towards them. If he couldn’t make it to the beach today, he would go tomorrow.

‘Hi.’ Alex said as he got to where the girls were seated.

‘Hello.’ The girl who had looked in his direction responded.

‘I was watching you all and I must say I loved the acting. It was beautiful.’

‘Thank you.’ Another girl responded.

‘My name is Alex.’ He said as he stretched out his hand. ‘I am visiting Nigeria for the first time.’

The girls looked at each other. ‘My name is Ayotunde. Welcome to Nigeria, Alex.’

‘Thank you. Ayot…’ Alex hesitated.

Ayotunde laughed. ‘Ayo is fine.’

Alex smiled and looked at the others.

‘I’m Samantha.’ The second girl stretched her hand as she smiled at Alex. Her friends looked at her with shock on their faces.

Alex took her hand. ‘Hi Samantha. You act good.’

‘Thank you.’ She replied as she held on to his hand.

Alex looked at the third girl and tried to pull his hand from Samantha’s grip. Ayotunde noticed and jabbed her with her elbow. Samantha faked a laugh as she dropped Alex’s hand.

Alex stretched out his hand.

‘I’m Grace.’

‘Grace. That is a beautiful name.’

‘Thank you.’ Grace replied.

‘I hope you are having fun in Nigeria. Where have you been to? Which country are you from? You look Nigerian.’ Samantha bombarded Alex with questions.

Alex laughed as he looked at her. ‘Hey, one question at a time.’

‘Okay. We are all ears.’ Samantha gesticulated.

‘I just got in yesterday and was actually on my way to the beach.’

‘Nice. Do you have company?’ Samantha asked.

Ayotunde and Grace shared a glance.

‘No, I don’t have company. The taxi driver decided to take me there.’

‘Can we join you?’

‘Chinwe!!!’ Ayotunde and Grace shouted at the same time.

‘Chinwe? Is that also your name?’ Alex asked as he looked at Samantha.

‘Yeah, kind of but I don’t really use that name. It’s just on my birth certificate. Everyone calls me Samantha. Sam for short, if you like.’ She laughed as she touched Alex gingerly on the arm.

Ayotunde rolled her eyes while Grace hissed.

‘I don’t mind the company though. Someone else apart from Je-day to show me around.’

‘Who is Je-day?’ Grace asked.

‘Oh, the taxi driver who picked me at the airport yesterday. He is waiting around the corner. I told him I just wanted to capture some shots.’

Grace smiled. ‘I’m sure his name is Jide, not Je-day.’

‘Ji-de.’ Alex tried to pronounce the name just like Grace.

‘Yeah, better.’ She laughed.

‘So are we coming with you?’ Chinwe asked.

Ayotunde stood up. ‘It was nice meeting you Alex. I’m sure you would have fun in Nigeria.’

Grace stood up and picked up her bag. ‘Welcome to Nigeria, Alex.’

‘Ahn…ahn…are you girls going?’ Chinwe asked.

‘Erm…..Ayotunde and I have something to do in our room.’ Grace replied.

‘Yeah. Besides, I only came to watch your show. I have work to do and lectures later today.’ Ayotunde replied. ‘Goodbye Alex.’ She said as she waved at him.

‘Can I at least have your number? I understand if you girls are busy.’ Alex asked trying to fall in line with the duo who were already walking away.

Grace looked at Ayotunde. Alex stretched out his phone and Ayotunde collected it, punched in her number and handed the phone back to Alex.

He dialed the number, tapped the red button and stretched the phone to Grace. ‘Yours too, please?’

Grace did same as Ayotunde and handed the phone back to Alex.

‘Thank you ladies. I appreciate.’

Chinwe was already by his side. ‘I’m ready. She said as she flicked her weaves.’

‘That’s fine. The taxi is somewhere around.’ Alex said as she looked at the two girls walking away.


‘When did she become Samantha?’ Grace asked Ayotunde as they walked towards the cafeteria.

Ayotunde stopped walking and looked at her friend. ‘Ask her nau, sebi she is your friend?’

Grace stopped walking. ‘She is not my friend. She is my course mate. Understood?’

The two girls looked at each other with serious faces and suddenly burst out into laughter.

‘Just see the way she was shaking like someone wey neva see man before.’ Ayotunde shook her body like someone who had a fever.

‘As in, Samantha nko, Samanja ni.’ Grace laughed. ‘I almost didn’t believe it was the same Chin-we, Chin-we.’ She said stressing the name.


The story continues…

Yesterday Lives – Chapter 17

“Mummy, are you sure about this?” Ayotunde asked again.

Mrs. Taiwo looked at her adopted daughter. “How many times will you ask me, Ayotunde?”

Ayotunde shrugged. “I’m just not interested in having a graduation party. We still have university ahead of us. Besides, would my friends be comfortable coming to the proprietress’ house?”

“I never said I was throwing a party. I said call a few of your friends for lunch and drinks to celebrate your straight A’s. And your friends would only be scared of coming here if they have sinned.”

“Okay mum; you win.”

Mrs. Taiwo laughed. “It was never a contest. By the way, have you spoken to your father this week?”

“Yes ma. He is doing well.”

“And your mother?”

Ayotunde sighed. “Still giving him trouble as usual.”


It was a Saturday morning and they were seated in the living room. They had just had breakfast of pap and akara which had been prepared by Ayotunde.

Mrs. Taiwo’s phone began to ring.

“I’ll get it for you.” Ayotunde said as she stood up from the couch. She picked up the phone from the centre table and looked at the caller ID. “It is Ayorinde.”

Mrs. Taiwo smiled as she collected the phone from her daughter. “Ayorinde!” She stressed his name as she tapped the green button on her phone. “How are you and how is business doing?”

“I am fine ma. The salon is also doing well. How are you too mummy?”

“I’m fine. The Lord has been good to me.”

“We bless God ma.” Ayorinde replied on the other end.

“Has your sister told you about her WAEC results?”

“Yes mummy. She sent me a message last night.”

“I’m very proud of her and of you too, Ayorinde. Both of you have not given me a reason to regret taking you in six years ago. I’m sure your father would also be proud of you. You should inform him about your sister’s result.”

“Thank you mum. I called him last night immediately I saw Ayotunde’s text. He was overjoyed. He said I should let you know that he is indebted to you.”

“He should give thanks to God. We are all indebted to Him.”

“Mummy, I called to let you know that I want to expand the salon.” Ayorinde said.

“Okay, what are your plans?”

“I want to open a hairdressing salon by the side of the barbing salon. We usually get a lot of requests from ladies and there is really no established hairdressing salon in this area.”

“Okay, why not come over and let us talk about this?”

“Okay mummy. I will be there tomorrow morning.”

“What should we make for breakfast?”

“Mummy?” Ayorinde laughed. “I will make my breakfast when I come.”

Mrs. Taiwo yawned. “If you say so.”

“How is Nana and her husband doing?”

“Oh, they are fine. They finally settled down.”

“I hope the weather isn’t too cold over there.” Ayorinde asked.

“Well, they decided to settle for Canada.” Mrs. Taiwo said as she shrugged. “They don’t have a choice. They will have to get used to it.”

Ayorinde laughed heartily. “Okay mummy. See you tomorrow morning.”

“By God’s grace, Ayorinde.” Mrs. Taiwo said as she cut the call.


Ayotunde’s graduation party was fixed for two Saturdays after. Ayotunde called her father to inform him and wished he could be present but Ayo declined. He prayed for her on the phone and told her she had made him a proud father. He also prayed for Mrs. Taiwo and asked her to send his regards.

At about 2:00p.m, a few of Ayotunde’s friends began to arrive. She had invited only six of her friends. She insisted she wanted a very small party. When Grace arrived, Ayotunde walked out to greet her father. “Good afternoon sir.” Ayotunde said as she curtsied.

“Good afternoon Ayotunde. Congratulations on your result. Grace told me you had the best result in the school.”

Ayotunde smiled. “Thank you sir.”

“What time should I pick her up?”

“Daddy, I said I would call you when I am done.” Grace smirked.

“Your call should not come too late, your royal highness.”

Ayotunde laughed. “No sir. It won’t be too late. I’m sure anytime from 7:00p.m should be fine. I also don’t want to disrupt mummy’s sleep pattern.”

“How is she?”

“She is fine sir.”

“Extend my regards to her.”

“I will sir.” Ayotunde said as she held her friend’s hand and turned towards the house.


The aroma of finger foods filled the air. Mrs. Taiwo had made arrangements for a caterer to make bite sized snacks, finger foods and chapman for Ayotunde’s guests.

They were watching the movie “Lemonade Mouth” when Ayorinde let himself into the house.

“Where is the new graduate?” He asked.

“Ayorinde!” Ayotunde jumped up as she ran to hug her brother.

“Congratulations.” He said as he handed her a wrapped gift.

“I can see you and your friends are having fun.”

“Good afternoon sir.” The children chorused.

“You have only six friends? Four girls and two boys?” Ayorinde looked at his sister in mock surprise.

Ayotunde shrugged. “I don’t really have friends.”

“This is Grace; my best friend.”

“Oh Grace, I have heard so much about you.” Ayotunde said.

Grace smiled shyly. Ayotunde went ahead to introduce the rest of her friends.

Ayorinde asked them to feel at home and inform him if they needed anything.


By 6:00pm, the guests began to leave and thanked Mrs. Taiwo and Ayorinde for their hospitality. Mrs. Taiwo said she hoped to hear good news from each one of them concerning their admission into the University. She told them to keep in touch and promised to call their parents to confirm that each one had arrived home safely.

Grace was the last to leave. She sat with her friend and they began to discuss about their plans for the University. They both decided they wanted to go to the University of Lagos.

“I doubt my dad will allow me attend a University outside Lagos. My sister really wanted to go abroad to study but daddy refused.” Grace said.

Ayotunde smiled. “I understand. My brother is also very protective of me just like your dad is. He may not also be willing to let me go out of Lagos. Besides, mummy is the only one at home, so it makes sense for me to stay here in Lagos.”

“Is it your brother that owns that big salon in Gbagada?”

“Yes, he owns it.”

“Wow!” Grace exclaimed. “You never told me. I usually see the advert on TV and I was wondering why his face looked very familiar.”

Ayotunde laughed.

“Can they make my hair for me?”

“Why not? I will let him know.”


At exactly 7:00pm, Mr. Johnson arrived.

“I think I can hear my dad’s car.” Grace said.

Ayotunde looked at her wrist watch. “It’s 7:00pm already. Where has the day gone to? Your dad must be an accurate time keeper.”

Both girls burst out laughing as they walked out of the house.

“I hope you girls had fun.” Mr. Johnson asked.

“Yes sir.” They chorused.

Grace eased into the passenger seat beside her father. “We would talk on phone to conclude our plans.”

“Which plans?” Mr. Johnson asked.

“Women talk, Daddy!”

Mr. Johnson shrugged. “My regards to your mum, Ayotunde.”

“Yes sir.” Ayotunde waved to Grace as the car sped away.


“Did you enjoy your party?” Ayorinde asked as he walked into the living room.

“Yes, I did. Thanks for the gift. My friends were wowed.”

“Anything for my little sister.”

“I ain’t little anymore.”

“Okay sis.” Ayorinde lifted his hands in surrender.

“Grace wants to make her hair at the salon.”

“Okay, when is she coming?”

“She did not say but I will let you know ahead.”

“She seems like a really good girl.”

“Yes, she is.” Ayotunde said as she picked up the remote to play a video she had initially paused.

“So what are your plans for Uni?”

“Grace and I were discussing it. We both want to go to Unilag.”

“Okay. Which course?”

“Guidance and Counselling.”

“Really? Have you discussed this with Mama T?” Ayorinde asked.

“Yes, I have. And she gave me her blessings.”

“Okay then. If she is cool with it, then it is fine.”


Ayorinde coughed. “About your friend.”

“Which one of them?”


Ayotunde dropped the remote and looked at her brother. “What about her?

“I just want to know about her.”

“You want to know about her?” Ayotunde smiled sheepishly.

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No oh…..” Ayotunde laughed. “The look in your eyes says it all.”

“What do you mean?” Ayorinde asked as he rolled his eyes.

“You can’t even pretend Ayorinde. Every time you came to ask, if we were all okay, I knew you were coming to steal looks at Grace.”

“Was it that obvious?”

“It was to me. I think I should have an idea when I see love in my brother’s eyes.”

“Oh c’mon Ayotunde. You are making this look really bad.”

Ayotunde burst out laughing. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She stilled from her laughter and made a serious face. “What do you want to know about her?” She asked grinning.

“Anything.” Ayorinde shrugged.

“She’s a good girl. She has one older sister who is doing her Masters in the U.S. Her mum is late. Died while having her. So she is extremely precious in the eyes of her father.”


“That’s her story.”

“When did you say she was coming over to the salon?”

“She did not say. She just wanted you to know.”

“That’s fine then. Just let me know when she is coming.”

“Hehehe….my brother is in love.” Ayotunde began to sing.

Ayorinde threw a cushion pillow at her. “Don’t tell her anything.”

Ayotunde put her hand across her lips to signify a zipped mouth.

The story continues…

Yesterday Lives

Dear Reader,

You know our love is forever and this union of ours is tied to words.

I write to you again today. As you know, the story; ‘Yesterday Lives’ is already in its 14th Chapter and we have come to the end of Part 1 of this series.

What if I told you I have mixed feelings about continuing the story.

Wondering why? Well, my mind tells me that not everyone is following this story. And OMG, you know you should 😊

I would love to share this story in its fullness with you, but I also want to know that you are following the story carefully and intriguingly.

Well! If you are enjoying the story, Leave me a comment.

Do you think the story isn’t worth your time? Drop me a comment still.

It should delight you to know that reviews; whether good or otherwise spur the author to keep writing for you, for the world.

So let me know what you think about ‘Yesterday Lives’ so far.

If you are here for the first time, I am glad you came. Whoop! Whoop! 💃💃

Binge read on all the previous chapters of ‘Yesterday Lives’ and let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading. Please come out of your ghost mode 😁



Yours in writing ✍


Yesterday Lives – Chapter 14

The next morning, Ayo woke up with a spring in his steps. He was unusually happy and Kevwe noticed. She sneered as she looked at him. “You win jackpot for your dream?”

Ayo smiled. Ngozi may not be a jackpot but seeing her again after many months definitely made his heart flip like he had won a lottery. He took a bucket to the bathroom to have his bath and was done in a hurry. He dashed to the kitchen and picked out their stove from a corner. He lighted it and put some rice on fire, while he strolled to the room to get dressed. Kevwe lay on the bed as she watched the small TV in the room. She was very heavy and her tummy looked like she could pop anytime soon. When the rice was cooked, Ayo carried it from the kitchen and placed it on a stool in the room.

“I have cooked rice for you to eat when you are hungry.” He said as he dished some into a plate for himself. He opened the pot of stew he had cooked the previous evening and served himself a piece of meat. He was not ready to waste money buying food at the office so he ensured he ate every morning before leaving home. He gulped a cup of water, stood up and tucked in his shirt.

As he stepped out, he looked at Kevwe. “Please make sure you rest and eat well ehn.”

Kevwe looked at him. “I don hear.”

Ayo took out his phone from his pocket as he stepped out of the house. He placed a call to Ngozi. She picked up on the third ring.

“Hey!” Ayo said.


“Are you out of the house yet?”

“Yes, I am on my way to drop the kids off at school.”

“Okay then. I’m on my way to the hotel.”

“That’s fine. Just wait for me at the reception once you get there.”


As Ayo dropped the call, he placed another call.

“Chima…..” He said as he coughed. “I can’t come to work today. I am not feeling fine. Please help me tell HRM.”

“Okay.” Chima said. “Are you going to the hospital?”

“Maybe later.” Ayo coughed again.

“Sorry ehn. I will let HRM know. Just rest well.”

“Hmmm…..” Ayo grunted as he ended the call. With that done, he looked for a bus going towards the direction of the hotel on the other side of town.

Ayo arrived at the hotel about an hour later. He made a beeline for the restroom and washed the sweat off his face. He opened his wallet and took out a mini perfume. He opened it, turned it a little towards his forefinger and placed it on his neck and behind his ears. He took out a pack of menthos he had bought in traffic from his pocket and popped two into his mouth. He looked at himself in the mirror before walking out to wait at the reception.

Ngozi sauntered in a few minutes after. She spotted Ayo immediately and walked towards him. Ayo stood up and hugged her.

“You look good. How are you doing?”

Ngozi shrugged. “I have been managing.”

“You are booking a room now till evening?”

“Yes.” Ngozi said as she turned towards the reception desk.

Ayo walked behind her.

Ngozi made the booking and the payment.

“Let’s go to the car.” She said as she held Ayo by the hand.

They both walked outside; Ngozi taking the lead.

“After you left, the whole family moved in that same day. They made life unbearable for me. There was nothing I ever did that was right in mama’s eyes. I was frustrated but I had to keep on because of the kids.” Ngozi said as they got to the car and she opened the boot.

Ayo pulled out the hand luggage and rolled it. “I’m so sorry.” He said.

Ngozi smiled and shrugged. “There is no need to be. It all ends today.”

They walked back into the hotel lobby and Ngozi collected her room key. They took the elevator to the 15th floor and located the room. Ngozi swiped the key on the door knob and it opened. She walked in and held the door for Ayo before locking it. She placed the key on the light switch and the lights and the air-conditioner powered on.

Ayo rolled the luggage beside the bed and sat on the couch. “How did you pull this off without them knowing?”

Ngozi shrugged. “We don’t talk to each other at home. We live like strangers in the house. I don’t allow anyone of them into my bedroom; so I had packed up a few things I felt we would need. A change of clothes for the girls when they get back from school and all our travel documents. Most of them were still in bed when I left home. Only the maids were awake. I got the kids ready for school myself and loaded the luggage into the boot.”

“Hmmm……” Ayo grunted. “And Dubem?”

“Ebuka sacked him and recruited someone else.”

“Ahn…ahn… what is wrong with these people? What did he do wrong?” Ayo asked with a puzzled look.

“I have no idea but by now, you should know they are capable of anything evil.”

Ngozi walked to the couch and knelt before Ayo. “I am both excited and sad.”

“Excited, yes but sad, why?”

“I am going to miss you a lot.” Ngozi smiled sadly.

Ayo laughed. “We haven’t seen each other for months and you survived.”

“I know but do you know how difficult those months were for me. Do you know how many times I almost called you just to hear your voice? Do you know how many times I wanted you to tell me that everything would be alright?”

“I’m sorry.” Ayo sighed.

Ngozi nodded. “I know.” She moved closer to Ayo and kissed him gently.

Ayo took a deep breath as he held her. He had also missed her but after the last encounter with Kevwe, he had thought it wise to stay away.

Ngozi eased away and looked at Ayo as she touched his chin tenderly. “I love you Ayo.”

Ayo smiled. “I always did.” He pulled her up as he stood and hugged her. “You mean so much to me Ngozi. I wish we did not have to part this way….” He said as he took a deep breath. “…. but it is for the best.”

Ngozi pulled out of his embrace and looked at him. There were tears in her eyes. “I feel the same way.”

“You have to stay strong.” Ayo said as he wiped the tears that were now spilling on her cheeks. “I know you are strong and you have proved it; remain strong for the sake of the girls.”

“I will.” Ngozi said as the tears rolled down her cheeks in streams.

Ayo pulled her close as he kissed her tenderly. Ngozi responded allowing him to kiss away her tears and her fears of the future. Months away from each other rekindled the passion burning between them and they let themselves loose without inhibitions. Every touch, every kiss and every caress made by Ayo was intentional to drive Ngozi to the highest point of ecstasy. This was their last rendezvous together and he wanted it to be memorable; both for him and for Ngozi.

Ngozi’s body burned. It had been months since she had been touched and Ayo was driving her crazy. He knew exactly what to do, where to touch and what to say as he whispered sweet words into her ears. Ayo continued to build up the fire in her igniting her body till she screamed in surrender. Moments later as their intertwined bodies danced to the rhythm of their voices, the future did not matter to them, the pleasure of the moment was enough.


Later that evening, Ngozi and the girls eased into a taxi they ordered and headed for the airport. Ngozi’s car had been picked up hours earlier. She had insisted on getting to the bank and confirming that her account had been credited before releasing the originals of her car documents and the car key. Once it had been confirmed, she handed the car documents, the change of ownership and the key to the buyer within the bank premises. He was free to pick up the car from the hotel.



Finally! To Love and to Hold is in print 😁

It has been a long while away from here.
I apologize.
Work, family and other pressing commitments took me away.
But I am glad to be back 😁
And I can tell you that I am back with a bang 😂
The series “To Love and To Hold” which was featured here a while back is now available in print.
So to all my friends/readers uncomfortable with e-books, we got you covered.
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Blind Pact – Chapter 11

It is Friday and Bola has lectures in school. She bids her mother, who is also getting prepared for work, farewell as she leaves the house early in the morning. After classes, she goes straight to her hostel and finds her roommates getting ready for another gig. She sits down on her bed and watches them as they slather make-up on their faces.

“How was home?” Nekpen asks.

“Okay. Mum is fine.” Bola answers.

“We were kinda worried when we did not see you yesterday.” Eseosa says.

Bola shrugs. “I just wanted to have some time alone.”

Halima looks at her. “Have you heard from Gboyega?”

Bola exhales. “Yes, I have.”

Eseosa is standing in front of a wall mirror. She stops applying her make-up as she looks back at Bola. “That sigh says a lot, Bola. What’s the problem?”

Bola fakes a smile. “Nothing.” She could not bring herself to tell them that Miriam had been right. Tears build up in her eyes again and she looks away and tries to get herself together.

“Is this about Gboyega?” Halima asks as she sits by her side.

Bola nods unable to say a word. She does not trust that she won’t break down into tears.

“Gboyega is a changed man, Bola. Whatever it is you and your fellowship did to him changed his life. Look at some of his friends who moved around with him when he was on campus. Most of them are in their final year now. Bola, you know them ‘cos they attend your fellowship. Gboyega’s turnaround touched their lives. He was the last person anyone could imagine will become a church boy.” Halima says as she tries to convince her.

“I think you should listen to Halima.” Nekpen says matter-of-factly. “Me wey dey look for person wey go love me the way Gboyega dey show love for you. Babes, open your eyes.”

“Abeg, abeg, which one com be all the tory this night nau? Wetin? If she no open her eyes, which one com be una own nau? Shior! Make we go where we dey go jor. Leave this born-again people make dem dey do love in Tokyo wey no consine us.” Miriam hisses as she rolls her eyes.

“Aunty, you fit waka your own oh. Nobody say you must waka with us.” Nekpen replies Miriam in anger as she points her finger at her.

Miriam grunts. “Hmm….sorry oh, no vex. But what time we go comot nau?”

There is a knock on the door and Miriam walks to the door to open it. She is still for some seconds, shock registering on her face. She suddenly hisses and walks back into the room. The others look up wondering who the visitor is and the reason for Miriam’s hiss. Their jaws drop as they look behind Miriam.

“Hello ladies.” Gboyega says as he walks into the room. He gives Miriam a confused look wondering why she hissed on seeing him.

The other girls look at each other’s faces with surprise.

“Hi Gboyega.” Nekpen answers breaking the awkward silence.

Bola is too shocked to speak. She can’t believe that Gboyega is right here in her room at this time of the night.

“I’m sorry I hope I am not intruding. I can wait outside while you…..” Gboyega is saying before Miriam interrupts.

“Yes, pls. You can stay…..” Miriam gesticulates towards the door before she is also cut short.

Nekpen clears her throat as she looks at Miriam with scorn. Her face immediately turns into a smile as she looks at Gboyega. “We were actually on our way out. You are free to stay.” She looks at Bola. “Bola, take care and have fun. See you in the morning.” She smiles as she winks at her. She nods towards Miriam and points to the door. Miriam hisses again as she heads forward and the girls file out of the room behind her.

Bola could not help but smile as Nekpen herded her roommates out of the room. Even though she did not share Bola’s faith, she had proved to be a friend that Bola could count on. She sighs as she looks at Gboyega. He walks up to her bed and kneels before her as he holds her hands. “Bola, I came to apologize to you.”

Bola shakes her head. “What are you sorry for? Your past?”

“What would you have me do?”

“I don’t know Gboyega. Sincerely, I don’t know.”

“Please give me a chance.”

Bola stands up. “Your past is too much for me to bear. Don’t you understand?”

“But I am no longer that man.” He stands up from his kneeling position and holds her by the shoulders. “I want to create a future with you.”

The tears she had held back some moments ago fill her eyes again and threaten to make their way down her cheeks. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it again as her voice has become raspy.

Gboyega looks into her eyes and realizes that she loves him but he also sees fear and he is determined to wipe away any doubts that she has about him. He pulls her into a hug and her tears eventually burst forth like a tap that has just been opened. He rocks her like a baby as she sobs into his chest. When she is spent from her sobs, Gboyega cradles her face in his palms and looks straight into her soul. “I will never do anything to hurt you. I love you too much to let anyone harm you.” He longs to take her lips in his but he fights the temptation and pulls her into a hug again.


His past must remain in the past and with Bola, he is determined to start their relationship on a clean slate. Bola hugs him tightly and she unknowingly fans the embers of passion in him. Gboyega feels warm as heat courses through his veins seeping into every pore of his skin and threatening to awaken his once asleep body. He pushes Bola back gently. She looks at him in confusion unaware of the feelings she has triggered in him. He caresses her face with his fingers and smiles. “Let’s take a walk.” Bola nods and Gboyega interlocks his fingers with hers as they walk out of the room.

They stroll lazily round the campus like two love-birds. Gboyega talks about his job in the construction company and his desire to come back to settle down in Akure after his National Youth Service. Bola is surprised and asks why he would leave his house in Lagos to start afresh in Akure. He tells her that Lagos has too many bad memories and he would rather start a new life filled with promises in Akure. He also mentions that he does not want to be far away from her.

They sit down on a bench outside one of the campus halls enjoying the coolness of the night breeze. They lose track of time while talking and by the time Gboyega looks at his wrist watch, he realizes they have been out of her hostel for almost two hours.

“What time is it?” Bola asks when she sees Gboyega looking at his wrist watch.

“Almost 9.00p.m.”

“You are sleeping in the boys’ hostel this night, right?”

“Yes, since that is the only way I get to see you tomorrow.” Gboyega replies with a smile.

Bola blushes. She stands up and holds his hands trying to pull him up.

Gboyega laughs. “You know I can lift you off the floor with just one hand.”

Bola drops his hands. He tries to hold her but she swats his hand and begins to walk away frowning.

He reaches her in two steps and holds her by the waist. “Hey, I was just joking.” He says laughing. “Even when you are frowning, you are still beautiful.”

“It’s late.”

“Yeah, I know. I wish the night could remain young.”

They walk back to her hostel and Gboyega plants a kiss on her cheeks as he wishes her good night.


Bola lies on her bed unable to sleep. She cuddles her pillow smiling. She feels butterflies in her stomach and she knows that this can only be love. Gboyega had come all the way from Shagamu to Akure just to be with her. She felt silly that she had condemned him because of his past. Yes, it was sordid. And there was still a lot of work getting used to it but she knew that the love they had for each other was going to create a better future.

She falls asleep hours later dreaming about Gboyega and the bright future ahead of them.


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Blind Pact – Chapter 7

Gboyega is upset and angry after Bola’s call. He had not envisaged Kofo will go looking for Bola in school. He wondered how she found out about her; but knowing who Kofo was, she always had her way with information. It was over between them. Why was she refusing to understand? He had the mind of calling her this night but he had changed his phone number simply because he did not want to have anything to do with her again. Calling her now, was exposing himself to her whims once more. Since he changed his number, he had had a bit of respite from her incessant calls. Should I call her to warn her or ignore her threats to Bola? He ruminated over his decision over and over as he lay on his bed till he dozed off.

The next morning, Gboyega gets up early to prepare for the day’s job. He is just coming out of the bathroom when his doorbell chimes. Who could be looking for me this early? He quickly gets into his trousers, wears his shirt leaving the buttons undone and walks towards the door to see the early visitor. He opens the door and standing right before him is Kofo. She puts her hand on the door lintel and as usual is chewing a gum. The expression on Gboyega’s face is that of surprise and then anger.

“What are you….?” Gboyega is asking before he is hushed with a wave of Kofo’s hand.

“Shhh…It is too early. You would wake the neighbours.” She says placing her forefinger on her lips.

Gboyega refuses to be hushed and asks through clenched teeth. “What do you want from me?”

Kofo pushes him aside as she walks into his room. A mattress lies to the right corner of the room, a wooden chair and table on the left and a small LED TV hangs on the wall.

Gboyega closes the door behind him and faces her. “Kofo, what do you want from me? Why won’t you leave me alone?”

Kofo bursts into laughter. She walks towards the table and drops her handbag on it. “Leave you alone. C’mon Gbosgaga, you can run but you can’t hide. You know that, don’t you?”

“Kofo, I am through with you. Don’t you get it?”

“Through with me? Through with me? And you leave me for mummy’s girl.” Kofo shouts at him.

“Leave Bola out of this. She has nothing to do with the relationship we had.”

Kofo is sober. “Then why did you leave me? Why did you change your phone number? Why have you refused to warm my bed? My body has been panting for you. I have missed your touch, Gbosgaga.” She says in a whisper.

She moves towards Gboyega and places her hands on his chest. She traces a finger on his toned chest, circles it up his neck and to his lips. Gboyega closes his eyes and savours the feel of her fingers on him. His mind transports back in time to when Kofo meant everything to him; when satisfying her pleasures was his only reason for living tomorrow. He remembers when the world stopped at her feet; when he lived for her. It was not a life he had wanted but he had enjoyed every bit of it while it lasted.


It has been a long time since he was with a woman and Kofo knew what to do to trigger every hormone in his body. Kofo’s finger draws doodles on his body and as she gets to his pelvis, he catches his breath. Blood was beginning to seep into his nether region and he was getting to a place of no return. He suddenly shakes his head and opens his eyes as if a jinx over him has been broken. He holds her two hands and steps away from her. “No, Kofo. I am through with you. Through with being your…your…” He found himself unable to complete his sentence. He hated the word he was meant to use.

“My boyfriend?” Kofo completes his sentence.

“Yes, your boyfriend.” He is thankful she had not mentioned the word but it did not change the fact that that was who he was to her.

“Why?” Kofo asks in confusion. “What do you want that I haven’t been able to give you?”

“It is not about what I need, Kofo. I am now a Christian.”

Kofo looks at Gboyega with shock then begins to laugh derisively. “You, Gbosgaga? A Christian? No, tell me that’s a joke.”

Gboyega looks at her without saying a word.

“Weren’t you a Christian when you lost your parents? Where was your God then? Where was He when you needed money to bury them? Hmm…tell me.”

Gboyega turns away from her.

Kofo walks towards him and pulls him by the shirt turning him to face her. “Answer me Gboyega. Where was He when you were in need? When you couldn’t pay your school fees or take care of your younger ones? And now, you have the guts to stand here and open your mouth and tell me “I am now a Christian?” She mimics him. “Rejecting me for that…that bitch, you call Bola?”

Gboyega looks at her, anger seeping into his veins. “Kofo, any word from you again and you will have yourself to blame.”

Kofo claps her hands. “Right? He’s got guts now.” She fakes a shiver. “I’m scared.”

“Kofo, please I beg you in the name of those you hold dear, leave Bola alone.” Gboyega pleads.

Kofo raises her chin with pride. “And you?”

Gboyega refuses to answer and begins to button his shirt. He sits down on his bed, picks up his socks and wears it.

Kofo sneers. “I thought as much.” She picks up her bag from the table. “You have not heard the last of me.” She says as she storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Gboyega raises up his head from the trainers he is lacing as the door slams. He looks upwards. “God, I thought I was through with this.” He picks up his knapsack, slings it over his shoulder and walks out of his room. As he strolls towards the bus-stop, he remembers how Kofo had waltzed into his life over three years ago.

School had been on vacation when he got invited to a high-profile party somewhere in Lagos. It was a house party and according to his friend, the party was going to be attended by the who’s who in town. His friend told him that the party was strictly by invitation, so he should consider it a priviledge that he was attending.

Gboyega had been mesmerized by the beauty of the house. It was a duplex with ten rooms, all en-suite. The ground floor had two large living rooms, a ballroom and a lounge for receiving visitors. At the entrance of the house, there was a massive Olympic sized pool. Scantily dressed ladies hung around the pool with pot-bellied men. Every furniture in the house screamed class and Gboyega wondered which politician owned the house. His friend had his arms around a girl’s waist as he handed him a drink, encouraged him to have fun and disappeared. Sweaty bodies danced in the ballroom, one of the living rooms had young guys and girls already stoned on marijuana while the bedrooms had pot-bellied men making out with girls old enough to be their daughters. He moved around the house like a lost child and at a point he got bored. He walked up to the patio overlooking the lagoon and stood there to take in the freshness of the night breeze.

He had been lost in his own world when a lady walked up to him breaking into his thoughts. “Hello handsome, need company?”

He looked at the lady standing before him. She was beautiful and towered a few inches above him. Her eyes sparkled from the reflection of the water and her teeth shone bright when she smiled. The breeze blew her weaves and they slapped her face in a carefree manner. He shrugged in response to her question.

“Looks like you ain’t enjoying the party.” She said.

He wasn’t sure who she was and he did not want to sound rude. “I just needed to get some fresh air.” He responded.

They both stood on the patio looking at the water. Different colours of light from the house illuminated it revealing a picturesque environment. She asked what he did for a living and he said he was still a student. She began to talk about campus life and lecturers and he assumed she was also a student invited to the party. They exchanged numbers, introduced themselves to each other and then she left him to his solitude.

Hours later, when Gboyega could no longer contain his boredom, he left the mansion without his friend.


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