‘Did you girls have fun?’ Alex asked; looking back at the girls who were seated behind. He was riding shotgun as Jide drove them back to campus.
‘Yeah, I loved the movie. Grace has good taste.’
Grace smiled. ‘It was fun.’
‘So will you oblige that we do this again sometime soon?’
Grace looked at Ayotunde. ‘Of course.’ Ayotunde danced to an imaginary sound.
‘Thank you. I will be glad.’
Jide parked the car in front of the girls’ hostel.
‘You both made my day.’ Alex smiled. ‘Please think about somewhere else I may like to see. A tourist attraction or so.’ He said looking at Grace.
‘I will.’
‘Thank you Alex. We would call you when next we are free. For how long will you be in naija?’ Ayotunde asked.
‘I’m hoping I can conclude my project in a month.’
‘Okay then. Thanks once again.’
‘No, you and Grace deserve the thanks.’ He said as he smiled at them.
As the girls eased out of the car, Chinwe saw them from afar. She began to run towards them. Jide was about driving away when she got to them. ‘Hiiiii Alex.’ She said breathlessly.
Alex looked at her and smiled. ‘Hi Chinwe. How are you doing?’
‘I am good.’ She said as she patted her face. ‘Are you taking them out now? I thought we agreed that I would show you around Lagos. I kept waiting for your call.’
‘We had no agreement Chinwe. I said I would call you if I needed help.’
Chinwe faked a laugh. ‘Okay. So should I expect your call soon?’
Alex shrugged as he waved his hand and asked Jide to continue driving.
‘So this is what you girls want to do. You want to snatch him from me, abi? Your plan will never work.’ Chinwe shouted at the top of her voice.
Ayotunde and Grace looked at her with shock.
‘You cannot talk now, abi? Dem put padlock for una mouth?’
Grace began to walk away but Chinwe dragged her back.
Ayotunde hit Chinwe’s hand hard and she lost her grip on Grace. Chinwe became furious and started moving towards Ayotunde.
‘Chin-we, Chin-we, you no know me. Go ask them who Ayotunde be for Ajegunle. If you try touch Grace again, I go show you who I be for this campus.’ Ayotunde said as she stood nose to nose with Chinwe.
Chinwe stepped back and hissed. ‘So na common Ajegunle girl you be? Shior!’
‘Yes, na Ajegunle girl I be and I no shame to talk am. You just try me for this campus and I go show you say I no be butter.’
Chinwe started walking away. When she got to where Grace stood shivering, she looked at her from top to bottom and spat on the ground.
Ayotunde walked furiously towards her and Chinwe broke into a run. ‘This girl don craze.’ She said as she ran.
‘Let’s go inside.’ Ayotunde said as she held her friend by her hand and led her into the room.
‘Thank you.’ Grace said; tears gathering at the corner of her eyes.
‘Hey, what are we friends for? No one messes with my bestie and goes free.’
Grace wiped the tears which were now spilling on to her cheeks. ‘Did you truly live in Ajegunle?’
‘Yes, I did.’
‘Is that where your parents are? Ayorinde doesn’t like talking about them.’
Ayotunde shrugged. ‘Because there is nothing to talk about.’
‘Don’t you miss them?’
‘I miss my dad. I talk to him once in a while.’
‘And your mum?’
‘What are we having for dinner? Let me get something for us to eat.’ She said ignoring the question. She was about to step out of the room when she looked at Grace. ‘Don’t mention what happened this evening to Ayorinde, please.’
Grace nodded. ‘Okay.’
Ayotunde smiled. ‘C’mon cheer up.’
Alex spoke with Grace and Ayotunde every other day on the phone asking about their studies. He told them his project was proving difficult but that he knew he would definitely overcome. Ayorinde also made sure he called Grace every night. They talked for hours on the phone until Grace dozed off with the phone to her ear. Most times, Ayotunde removed the phone from Grace’s hand while she was asleep and kept it by her bedside.
A week later; Alex, Grace and Ayotunde visited the Lekki Conservation Centre. Grace almost had a seizure on the long canopy walk. When they got off the canopy, Ayotunde laughed out loud. She told Grace that she needed to have more guts.
They decided to take a rest and Ayotunde asked to be excused. She needed to use the restroom. When she was gone, Alex smiled as he looked at Grace.
‘You were really scared up there, right?’
‘Yeah!’ She said raising her eyebrows. ‘Ayotunde is a crazy girl. I don’t understand how she isn’t scared of anything.’
Alex laughed. ‘She is truly one tough cookie. You know I like you girls a lot. You have made my stay here worthwhile.’
Grace blushed. ‘Thanks.’
‘And I really like you.’ Alex said as he moved closer to her.
‘Erm….don’t you think you are seating too close?’ Grace scooted away from him.
‘I’m serious Grace. I think I am falling in love with you.’
Grace coughed. ‘I’m sorry? You said what?’
‘C’mon Grace, you heard me the first time.’
‘Oh goodness, this is not happening.’ She said as she put her hand on her forehead.
‘Why?’ Alex asked as he removed her hand from her head.
‘Alex, I have a boyfriend.’
‘So? Is he serious with you?’
Grace frowned. ‘Yes, he is serious. And just so you know, he is Ayotunde’s elder brother.’
‘Oh wow!’
‘Yes, wow! So I am going to pretend this conversation never happened. Okay?’
‘But…..’ Alex was saying when he was interrupted.
‘Guys, so where were we?’ Ayotunde said walking up to them happily.
‘We were ready to go home.’ Grace said as she stood up.
‘So early?’
Grace looked at Alex. ‘I thought you said you were ready to take us back to school.’
Alex sighed. ‘Yes.’ He said as he stood up.
When they got to the hostel, the girls waved at Alex and Jide drove off. The expression on Grace’s face was blank while Ayotunde was all smiles.
‘Grace, what happened while I was away? You changed towards Alex all of a sudden.’ Ayotunde asked as they walked into the room.
Grace looked at Ayotunde without giving a response. She lay on her bed and turned her back to her. ‘I told you hanging out with him was a bad idea.’
‘I don’t understand.’
Grace faced her friend. ‘The guy was talking about falling in love when you went to the rest room.’
‘Yes. I just knew hanging out with him wasn’t a good idea. But my friend was excited and made us do it.’
‘C’mon don’t be dramatic. We both had fun hanging out.’
Grace sat up. ‘Yes, we did but I love your brother. Don’t you get that?’
Ayotunde smiled as she stood up and hugged her friend. ‘I love you too.’
Aderemi called her sister later that evening.
‘Hey sis.’
‘Are you alone?’ Aderemi asked.
‘Yes, why?’
‘Where are your roommates?’
‘Ayotunde went for an evening tutorial. The others went for a party outside campus.’
‘Okay. I just wanted to be sure you are alone.’ Aderemi reiterated.
“What’s going on sis? Is Daddy okay?’
‘He is fine. I called because of your boyfriend.’
‘What about him?’
Aderemi took a deep breath. ‘He was the one that attacked me years ago at Kingsway with a gun.’
‘What? I don’t understand what you are saying.’
‘You were still little and there was no need to bore you with the details the next morning. I’m sure you remember Folake, my friend.’
‘I think so.’ Grace hesitated.
‘I went to her send forth party. I was robbed that night by your boyfriend. He was with someone else who was much younger and sincerely, I don’t know if it was your friend. They took my bag, phones, everything at Kingsway bus-stop at the traffic light. I had nightmares after that incident. Thankfully, it stopped after a while. Since I came back from the U.S, I have been having those same nightmares again. And it started after I met your boyfriend. Daddy was a little worried and wanted me to see a therapist but I refused. Last night, I had the same nightmare again and this time, I saw your boyfriend clearly. I mentioned to you that his face was familiar but you did not believe me. I knew I had seen those eyes before. It was so clear to me this time. I’m sorry Grace. You have to stop seeing him. He is not the person he claims he is.’
Aderemi thought the call had dropped as Grace was quiet.
‘Grace, Grace…..’
‘Yes sis. I don’t know what to say. I find this hard to believe.’
‘I know you do but you have to believe me and stop seeing him.
‘I can’t sis. I love him. I’m sorry.’
‘Grace, have I ever done anything to hurt you?’
‘No.’ Grace sighed.
‘Then believe me. He is no good for you. Stay away from him.’
‘I…..I can’t.’
‘Then, I would have no choice but to tell Daddy.’
“Sis, you promised!’ Grace cried.
‘I’m sorry too Grace. The situation is different and I want the best for you. I love you too much to allow you fall into a ditch while I watch.’
‘Sis, don’t do this.’
‘Good night darling.’ Aderemi said as she cut the call.
The story continues…