Life happens


I planned I was going to give you stories here week after week but life happens and it pulls you here and there.

They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, shey? I did not only make lemonades, I planted the seeds and threw the rinds back at life 😁

A new series starts today. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

I started writing this series in 2018 and for many reasons I could not continue with it. At a point, I even had writer’s block and got stuck πŸ˜”

Then Uncle Covid and Aunty Rona decided to visit Earth. They sneezed in Earth’s house and he got sick. Earth had to stay at home and be locked down.

The lock down has helped in tearing down the walls and clearing the cobwebs in my mind and boom! I kept writing/typing and did not stop.

So please come back here at 7.00pm.

If you are yet to subscribe to my blog; please do, so you don’t miss out as the series would be posted every Tuesday at 7.00pm.

See you at 7 πŸ€—


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2020, Here I come

In a few hours, we will be ushered into the new year; Year 2020.

The year 2019 has been a great year for me. It has been a year of milestones.

As at January 2019, I had no idea how or if I would accomplish the goals I had set for the year.

But bit by bit, step by step, I had to learn to throw fear out of the door and decided to own those goals with faith. Eventually, it paid off.

I would like to say thank you to everyone who has followed my blog thus far.

To everyone who purchased my book ‘To Love and to Hold’, thank you.

To the ghost readers, thank you. Please drop a comment once in a while. I know you are there 😁

See you all in the year 2020.

Happy new year!!!


The elderly woman’s voice was loud as she walked into the store talking to her friend.

The security man at the door stopped her. He asked her to drop the nylon bag she was holding at the entrance.

“Why?” She asked.

“That’s the rule ma.” The security guard said.

“There is nothing inside the nylon that you are selling.” She said to him.

“It doesnt matter ma. You have to drop the nylon bag here.”

“Why are you stopping me?” The elderly woman asked as she raised her voice higher. This is not the first time I am coming here and no one has ever stopped me from carrying my nylon bag inside.”

The woman began to call the name of a staff of the store. The staff walked up to the elderly woman. “Good afternoon ma.” She said.

“Good afternoon. Is this your security new here? Because I dont understand why he is asking me to drop my nylon bag.”

The other staff of the store looked on as they all stopped what they were doing; wondering what the outcome of the altercation will be.

The friend who had walked in with the woman decided to save the day. She relieved her friend of her nylon bag and handed it over to the security guard.

“If anything misses in my nylon bag…..” The woman said as she allowed her words to hang in the air.


I watched the whole scene from where I was shopping and wondered why dropping her nylon bag was so much of a problem.

I wondered if she had walked into a large departmental store, would her reaction be the same?

I also wondered if she was just being difficult because she knew a staff of store.

I concluded that some battles are not worth fighting.
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It was just a few months ago that we said happy new year to each other, right?
And just like that, we have welcomed another December. The months have indeed moved very fast.
It is another opportunity to take stock of the victories, successes, failures and disappointments. And in all things, I choose to give thanks.
The year 2019 has been good. It has both been a year of new beginnings and a year of hope deferred.
Things may not have gone exactly the way we planned it at the beginning of the year, but the opportunity to see another December is a reason to be thankful.
The eyes that saw December 1, 2019 can look forward and believe that those prayers yet to be answered or unfulfilled dreams will be accomplished while there is breath.
What are you thankful for?
Please share in the comments section below πŸ‘‡ and let us celebrate with you πŸ™‚
Photo Credit: Olubukola’s WhatsApp status.

Courtesy and Respect in the new generation

A few incidents of recent got me and a colleague of mine discussing about courtesy and respect in children.

We were walking on a pathway when some school kids who could have passed for between 13 and 15 walked towards us. None of them broke their stride as they walked and almost pushed us off the pathway.

My colleague and I looked at each other and shook our heads. And we wondered if courtesy and respect still existed in children of the new generation?

We relived memories of our past when courtesy and respect was a value entrenched in us by our parents. It did not matter if you were Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Calabar, Fulani etc. Courtesy and respect was a universal language we all understood because we were taught.

The second incident happened when I was alone. I was walking a path that had been reduced from a two-way path to a one-way path by a barrier.

I saw these two little girls of about ages 6 or 8 walking from the opposite end. I stopped and waited so they could pass by.
I was surprised when instead of passing through quickly, they strolled towards me gisting away.

When they got to where I was standing, I told them ‘next time when someone stops for you so you can pass by, you make it snappy’.

Even though they were little girls, the part of me where home training is embedded did not make me believe that I had a right to pass through before them.

But the question that kept ringing was; has home training taken a back seat in our homes?
Have the new generation parents thrown away the values we were taught as kids instead of passing it down?
I am a new generation parent and sincerely, home training is still very important to me.

Or am I old school?

Please share your thoughts below and let us have a conversation.

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Picstory – Out of left-field

I saw this over the weekend.


The only thing I could think of was “why go to this length?”

As in…..isn’t this too much? Or what do you think?


Photo Credit: Olubukola’s phone


I was in a gathering of both men and women. We were asked to introduce ourselves.

I introduced myself by my first name. The others did as well.

Then, it was the turn of a particular lady; she introduced herself as Mrs……

We all got talking and even though what we were discussing had nothing to do with the family; Mrs. informed the rest of us that she had kids. I smiled.

The facilitator of the meeting had initially introduced herself to us by her first name but when she was asked to repeat her name; she repeated it as Mrs… I have no idea if the change in her introduction from her first name to identifying herself as a Mrs. was a result of the initial Mrs. who introduced herself but well….
A few social gatherings I have been a part of, I have noticed a few women do not want to be identified as their first name. I am yet to understand why.

Does calling them by their first name belittle them? Or does it reduce the bride price that was paid by their husbands?
To my fellow married women, how do you introduce yourself in a social gathering?

To my single friends, what is your take on introductions?

Do share your thoughts below.

The Red planet and Nigeria

I just watched little kids in the U.S rejoicing with adults over Nasa’s successful landing on planet Mars. Even at their tender age, they understand such developments.

Nigeria, my country!

Adults are still bickering over minute, teeny weeny issues. Social media is awash with grumpy and angry people. People who could divert that same energy into making a change in their environment. People who could stamp their feet in the sands of time and do something our future generations will remember us for.

Nigeria, what aileth thee?

Photo Credit:

Birthday Thanksgiving

It is a few days to my birthday and I have been thinking of the blessings received in the last one year. Haven’t we been told to count our blessings one by one?

I am grateful for life. Have you tried putting an alarm clock beside a dead body?

I am grateful for family. We are all complete.

I am grateful for a sane mind; those insane did not wish for their situation.

I am grateful for my career. I may not be where I want to be but I am definitely not where I used to be.

I am grateful for my fashion business and my blog. He gave the gifts and talents; I am only a channel.

I am grateful because I asked of the Lord and He heard my prayers.

All my prayers have not been answered but I would be ungrateful not to say thank you for those that have been answered.

As I step into another year of my life in a few days, I see a brighter future ahead.

I see my status changing.

I see better days ahead.

I see a glory greater than the former.

I am indebted to this great God.

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Nigeria at 58

Just like the eyes cannot see without a body

The hand is also useless unattached to the body

I look forward to a nation filled with peace

A nation where the citizens understand that our cultural and religious differences make each one of us important

None lesser or greater than the other

I look forward to a nation where greed and strife become history

A nation where our leaders understand that leadership means service

Above all, I hope for a better Nigeria

A Nigeria where the citizens can proudly proclaim their love for their nation

A Nigeria where dreams come true


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