Yesterday Lives – Chapter 12

It was a Saturday and Ayo was bent on making the best use of his time. In a week, Chief’s extended family would be moving in. He did not want them to meet him still living in the boys’ quarters when they arrived. He woke up early and set out. He had told Kevwe the night before that she needed to rest. He would do the house hunting alone.

After a long day, at about 6:00p.m, he found a room within the slums of Obalende. That was what he could afford for now. When things got better, he made up his mind to upgrade his family. Right now, what was uppermost on his mind was healthcare for Kevwe and their unborn baby. He had to start scouting for a job as well. His sojourn in Lagos had ended in Chief’s house and he had not made any attempt to look for another job. He made a mental note to get out his CV and start his search the next week.

By the time Ayo got home in the night, he was tired and hungry. Kevwe had prepared dinner for him before his return and he dozed off on the couch in the living room immediately after eating. The next day, Ayo decided to sleep in so he could be adequately rested for his job search the next week.


Monday morning, Ayo woke up with a spring in his steps. He had his bath and got dressed quickly. He had his day planned out. He would drop the kids at school and Kevwe at the hospital for her ante-natal visit. He would come back home to drop the car and pick his document file. He would take a public bus to the mainland where he would start dropping his CV in every organization. At this point in his life, he wasn’t picky about the kind of job he got. All he needed was something to put food on his table and take care of his family.

He tapped the doorbell of the main house at 7:45a.m. Ngozi opened the door and her appearance shocked Ayo. She looked disheveled with her hair scattered. She looked like she hadn’t had any sleep over the night. Her eyes were red and puffy and she sniffed incessantly. She was wearing one of Chief’s long sleeved shirts over a pair of lounge pants. The shirt was rough and stained.

“The kids are ready.” Ngozi said stepping away from the door.

Ayo sighed. Not again.

The girls hugged their mother with sad faces. “Mummy, don’t cry again.” Amara, the older one said.

Ngozi knelt before them and nodded. She kissed each of them on the forehead. Amaka, the younger one held on tightly to her mother as she burst into tears.

‘Amaka, don’t cry.’ Amara said as she hugged her sister.

Ngozi wrapped her daughters in a hug. ‘Mummy is fine. I don’t want anyone of you crying, alright?’

The girls nodded. Ngozi rose up as she released them into Ayo’s care.

Ayo picked the car key from the basket by the door and knew his plans for the day would have to take a new turn. He dropped the kids at school, then dropped Kevwe at the hospital. He asked what time the nurses thought she would be ready and he was told to come back in the afternoon.

As he drove back home, he kept thinking of Ngozi. She needed a different environment; away from everything that reminded her of Chief. He remembered that she mentioned that her only sister was abroad. This was the time to reach out to her sister and with the new development in her husband’s family, he felt she would be better off away from all their shenanigans. The earlier he started working towards getting her out, the better. He owed it to Chief. He couldn’t imagine what she would have to go through in the hands of his family with no one to protect her.


Ayo parked in the compound and headed straight for the main house. He tapped the doorbell and Ngozi opened it after three rings. She stepped away from the door and left Ayo staring at her as she walked into the living room. Ayo stepped in and closed the door behind him.

“Ngozi, why are you doing this?” Ayo asked as he walked towards her.

Tears began to stream down Ngozi cheeks. She looked away as she sat on the couch.

Ayo sat down beside her and took her hand. “The tears are enough. You have to move on.”

Ngozi looked at him and wiped her tears. “Move on, right? I need to move on. How do I move on when my life has been taken away? How do I move on when life no longer has meaning? Chief was my life. Everywhere I turn, I see him smiling at me, talking to me, scolding me, loving me. You said I should move on. Okay. I have heard you. I will move on.” She said nodding and crying at the same time.

“Oh Lord.” Ayo sighed as he pulled her into his embrace. He was lost for words. He had no idea of how he was supposed to console her. She was broken and the future before her looked bleak. Her children seemed to be her only source of strength but that failed on occasions like now. He hugged her till her sobs subsided.

“Ngozi, can we call your sister abroad and work out your movement there?”

Ngozi shook her head.

Ayo pulled her away from himself and looked at her face. “Why? You need a change of environment.”

“I don’t want to be a burden to her. She is married with two kids.”

“But you haven’t asked, Ngozi. Besides, she is your sister. She may not mind if she considers the emotional trauma you are going through here coupled with Chief’s family’s demands.”

Ngozi sighed. “I don’t know.”

“There is no harm in trying.” Ayo said.

“Okay.” Ngozi said shrugging.

“We can call her right now.”

Ngozi looked at the clock on the wall. “She would still be sleeping. Nicaragua is seven hours behind.”



“Okay.” Ayo sighed as he lifted Ngozi’s face. “Please don’t bottle up your emotions. You would be doing yourself more harm than good. Call me when you need to talk.”

Ngozi took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Okay.”

Ayo looked at her and wiped a stray tear on her cheek with his thumb. He closed the space between them and he kissed her gently on her cheek. Ngozi shivered and Ayo put his arms around her. The tears from Ngozi came again and she sobbed silently. Ayo lifted up her face and kissed her slowly and passionately. Ngozi did not push back and Ayo brushed his hand through her hair as he continued to kiss her. Their passions heightened with each caress and their kisses became deeper. Ngozi pushed Ayo back gently as she tried to catch her breath. She shook her head and turned her back on him.

“We shouldn’t have done that.” She said remorsefully.

Ayo ran his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.”

“I will call my sister later. I pray she accepts to take me and the kids.”

Ayo blew air through his mouth and stood up. “Ngozi.” He called.

She looked up at him.

“I’ll be right here if you need me, okay?” He smiled.

Ngozi dropped her gaze. “Okay.”

Ayo pulled her up into a hug and held her tightly. His feelings for her had changed from being his boss’s wife and he wanted to savour her embrace. As Ngozi freed herself from his embrace, Ayo looked at her lovingly and Ngozi felt a little embarrassed.

“I need to go freshen up. I’m sure I look terrible.” She said trying to break the silence between them.

Ayo smiled. “I also need to go scouting for a job.”

Ngozi sighed.

“It is fine, Ngozi. Don’t bother yourself about it. I would survive. My only concern right now is you.”

“I will be fine.”

“I believe you.” Ayo said as he kissed her briefly on her lips. “Take care of you.” He said as he walked towards the door and let himself out.

For the next two days, Ayo woke up every morning to take the kids to school. He would then come back home to get dressed and begin his search for a job as he dropped his CV in various organizations. He paid for the room at Obalende and began renovation to make it habitable for his family. He stayed back till late most days to watch the repair works done in his room. He did not want any excuses from the artisans as he planned moving during the weekend. Chief’s family would be moving in that weekend as well and he planned to be out very early before they arrived.


On Thursday, he went to pick up the kids for school as usual. As Ngozi opened the door for him, she forced a smile. “Good morning.”

Ayo smiled at her. “Good morning. How are you doing?”

“I’m okay.”

“Okay, as in really okay.”

Ngozi shrugged.  “Looks like you have been very busy. I noticed you have been coming in very late.”

“Yes. I paid for a room and I have been trying to do a few repair works there. I need to monitor what the men are doing. I don’t want any stories by weekend.”


“Mr. Ayo, we are ready.” The girls chorused interrupting the conversation.

“Okay girls.” Ayo said smiling at the kids. “Have you spoken to her?” Ayo asked looking up at Ngozi.

“Yes, I wanted to discuss it with you.”

“Hmm….can we do tomorrow? I would be dropping Kevwe at the hospital in the morning.”

“Hospital? Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she is. Just routine check-up.” Ayo replied.

“Okay. Tomorrow then. I’ll be waiting.”

Ayo smiled at her as the girls tugged and dragged him towards the door.

The story continues…

Yesterday Lives – Chapter 11

Ayo sped towards Obalende with Ngozi on his mind. He was just finding out that she was an orphan. He now understood why she got married early. It was a pity that she also became a widow too early. So Chief’s family wanted to make her a communal wife; or why was Ebuka trying to sleep with her earlier on if she was meant to be Chidi’s second wife. He didn’t understand the whole drama. He was even more surprised that their mother agreed to such.

As he got closer to Kevwe’s place, he picked up his phone and called her. He hadn’t called her on his way because he couldn’t tell her he was just leaving home when she would have expected him to be close to her place.

Kevwe picked up on the first ring. “Ayo, wetin be dis nau? Why you no pick up your call since?”

“I’m sorry, Kevwe. I had some issues to attend to.”

“Which kain issue you get for this night when Madam don send me comot for house? I dey outside for corner.”

“I’m sorry Kevwe. Are you alone?”

“Yes nau. Oghogho stay here with me before but when we dey wait and you no pick up your call, she leave me go inside as Onome don call say Madam dey ask where she go.”

Ayo took a deep breath. “I’m almost with you. I’m so sorry, Kevwe.” He said.

“I don hear. I dey wait.”

In five minutes, Ayo reached Kevwe. She had just one travel bag containing all her clothes. He got out of the car, opened the booth and kept the travel bag inside while Kevwe eased into the passenger side. As Ayo eased into the car, he apologized again.

“I’m sorry I kept you waiting.”

“I don hear.” Kevwe replied.

“So how did Tutu hear about this? I’m a bit confused.” Ayo asked.

“I no even know but Madam just dey shout my name this night for room. She wan even bring her boys make dem come beat me if I no leave her house.”

Ayo looked at her with shock. “This your Madam must be wicked. Why didn’t she give you till tomorrow morning knowing that you are pregnant and have nowhere to go to?”

“You think say she dey care. E no be her business oh. Na only her money she dey after. You no fit get boyfriend if you dey with her. And if you do mistake carry belle, your own don finish be that.”

“Hmm….” Ayo grunted as he shook his head.

In a few minutes, they arrived home. Dubem opened the gate and Ayo drove in. Kevwe eased out of the car and looked at Ayo.

“You don tell your madam say I dey come?”

“Yes, I did. I had to explain to her.”

“Okay.” Kevwe said as she walked towards the boys’ quarters.

As Ayo walked behind Kevwe, he looked up towards Ngozi’s room and was shocked to see that she was standing by the window watching them. He stopped momentarily as the blinds in the room closed and the lights went off.


The next morning, Ayo went to the main house to pick the kids for school as usual. Kevwe was still in bed when he left and he decided not to disturb her. She had a rough night and he reckoned she needed all the rest she could get.

He tapped the doorbell and Ngozi opened the door to let him in. She was dressed in a black round neck tee-shirt on a navy blue pair of jeans. She had pulled her hair back into a bun and her face seemed brighter. Ayo smiled as he saw her.

“Good morning Ngozi. Hope you had a restful night.”

“Yes, I did. Thank you.” She replied.

“Are the kids ready?”

“Almost done. I decided to take them myself.”

Ayo looked at her. “Oh really?”

“Yes. You’ve got company and I did not want to feel like I was beginning to be a burden.”

“Oh c’mon. But I am only doing my job.” Ayo shrugged.

Ngozi smiled and for a brief second, it warmed Ayo’s heart.

“Let me do it. Besides, I think I need some fresh air to clear my head.” Ngozi said.

“Mummy, we are ready.” Amara and Amaka walked into the living room interrupting the conversation.

“Okay girls.” Ngozi said as she bent down and gave each one a kiss on the forehead.

“Let me drive you.” Ayo said as he stretched his hand to collect the car keys from Ngozi.

Ngozi took a deep breath. “Okay.” She said as she handed the car keys to Ayo.

Ayo drove Ngozi’s car while Ngozi and the kids sat behind. The kids chatted all the way as they asked their mum questions after questions. After the kids were dropped off, Ayo looked back at Ngozi and asked;

“Is there any other place you want me to take you to?”

Ngozi shrugged.

“The spa or the office?” Ayo asked.

Ngozi shook her head. “I don’t think I am ready for any. Besides, they are taking over the office soon. I might as well just stay away till the take-over.”

Ayo sighed and turned his face away from her.

“Just take me home.”

Ayo turned back to look at her again. “Are you sure?”

“Yes I am.” Ngozi replied.

As Ayo drove home, he watched Ngozi through the rear-view mirror intermittently. She was in her own world; her eyes on the window by her side as she watched life pass by. In a few minutes, they were home and Ngozi eased out of the car and walked towards the house. Ayo sat in the car watching her for a few minutes. For how long is she going to continue this way? He looked at the time on the dashboard. It was a quarter to 9:00am. He eased out of the car and strolled towards the main house. The door was open and Ayo walked in. He dropped the car keys in the basket on the hanging shelf beside the door.

Ngozi was seated in the couch facing the TV with her head slouched backwards and her eyes closed. He walked towards her and sat beside her.

“Ngozi.” He said as he sighed. “I won’t pretend to understand exactly how you feel. I just want you to know that if you need to talk, I am here. Please don’t bottle up.”

Ngozi was quiet.

“I need to go now.” He said as he touched her on the shoulder.

Ngozi raised her head and looked at him. “Thank you.”

Ayo stood up. He really did not want to leave her alone but Kevwe could wake up anytime and wonder where he was. He walked towards the door and took one last look at Ngozi before stepping out.

When Ayo walked into his bedroom, he met Kevwe awake. She was seated at the edge of the bed.

“Where you dey since?”

“I went to drop the kids at school. Have you been awake for long?”

“No. E no tey wey I wake up. I just dey wonder when I no see you.”

“Okay.” Ayo replied.

“I think say na Chief you dey drive. You dey drive im madam too?”

“No, but she hasn’t been herself since her husband died and the kids need to go to school.” Ayo said as he sat down on the bed.

“Eeya, I pity her sha. Na young woman?”

“Kevwe, we need to start scouting for a room.” Ayo said ignoring her question.

“Na fast fast like that. Your madam don dey complain?”

Ayo took a deep breath. “It is not about my madam, Kevwe. Her husband’s people are moving here soon. I don’t want to wait till they throw me out before I do the needful.”

“Na wa oh. So where we go see fine place like this one nau?”

“Kevwe, we need to be realistic. I am not looking for a place like this.” Ayo said sweeping his hand across the room. “We have a baby on the way and we need to plan. You need to register for ante-natal care, cost of delivery and so on. They all cost money.”

Kevwe looked at him confused. “So wetin you come dey say because I no understand all this your grammar.”

“What I am saying is that we would have to step down. All this here is luxury for now. Don’t forget that as it is I am also jobless. We would have to survive on what I saved up till now pending when I get another job.”

“Ahn…ahn, so because your oga die, everything go just change like that.”

Ayo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Kevwe was proving difficult and he did not need this right now. He stood up and started walking towards the living room.

“Where you come dey go now?”

“To look for a place for us. I don’t have much time on my hands. I need to be back on time to pick up the kids from school in the afternoon.”

“Ehn, wait make I quick baff nau, make we go look the place together.”

“I’ll wait in the living room. Please make it snappy.”

“Okay. I don hear oh.” Kevwe said as she stood up from the bed.


Kevwe and Ayo visited a number of rooms put up for rent but each one was beyond Ayo’s budget. After about an hour of roaming the streets, Kevwe began to complain that she was tired and hungry. Ayo took her to a buka where they both ordered food and ate before continuing their search. At noon, Ayo told Kevwe they had to call it a day as he had to pick the kids from school. He drove to the government hospital close to the house and got Kevwe registered for her ante-natal visits. In about an hour, they were done at the hospital and they headed home.

As Ayo drove into the compound, he saw Ngozi sitting in Chief’s chair in the garden. Kevwe saw her as well and was shocked.

“Na your madam be that?”

“Yes. That’s her.” Ayo said as he switched off the engine.

“Ayo, your madam na fine young woman like this? See as her skin clear.”

Ayo was silent. He eased out of the car and Kevwe did same.

“Go to the house, I will meet you there.” Ayo said to Kevwe.

Kevwe grunted a response.

“Good afternoon oh.” Kevwe said as she passed by Ngozi.

Ngozi looked up and forced a smile.

Kevwe walked towards the boys quarters while Ayo strolled into the garden.

“How are you doing?” Ayo asked when he got to Ngozi.

“I’m fine. Thank you.” Ngozi replied.

Ayo was quiet for a few seconds as he looked at Ngozi.

“I….I….” Ayo said as he cleared his throat. “We went in search of a place to stay.”

Ngozi looked up at him. “Are you moving out?”

“I will eventually have to. It doesn’t seem like your brother-in-law’s want me here.”

Ngozi looked away and nodded.

“Are you sure you are okay?”

Ngozi nodded.

“I will pick the girls at 2:00. Would you like to also go to their school?”

Ngozi took a deep breath and nodded.

Ayo stood uncomfortably. He cleared his throat again.

“Let me check on my girlfriend. I will be back in less than an hour.” He said as he looked at his wrist watch.

Ngozi’s face was still turned away and he contemplated holding her but thought against it. Dubem or Kevwe could be watching and he didn’t want to give anyone of them a wrong impression.

He turned back as he walked towards the boys’ quarters and it took him all his willpower not to look back and see what Ngozi was doing.

Kevwe was seated in the living room shaking her feet when Ayo walked in. She stood up immediately she saw him and hissed.

“So wetin you come dey do with your madam since?” She sneered.

“I don’t understand your question.”

“No be two o’clock you say you wan go carry children, so wetin you dey talk with her? Two o’clock never knack.”

Ayo sighed and ignored her as he walked into the bedroom. Kevwe got angrier and took quick steps behind him.

“Ayo, so my mouth dey smell, abi? No be you I dey talk to?”

Ayo lay on the bed and looked at her. “Kevwe, I don’t need this stress right now.”

Kevwe clapped her hands. “Ehen? So na me dey give you stress now?”

Ayo stood up and held Kevwe by the shoulders. “Kevwe stop this, please. I have enough to deal with already.”

Kevwe struggled to release herself from Ayo’s grip. “Why you say make me I dey go? Wetin you wan say wey you no fit talk for my presence?”

Ayo began to walk towards the living room.

“Where you dey go again? You dey go back go meet her, abi?”

“No, Kevwe. I am going outside so I can have some fresh air since you want to suffocate me in here.”

Kevwe ran after Ayo and held his hand. “Okay, okay, no vex, abeg. I just no like as you say make I dey go and you come go meet am. I no want make anybody snatch my boyfriend.”

Ayo looked back at her. “You are carrying my baby, Kevwe.”

Kevwe sneered. “E no matter.”

Ayo rolled his eyes and dropped his hands. “I give up.”

“I don talk say make you no vex nau.” She said hugging him.

“It’s okay.”

“Oya come siddon here.” Kevwe said pulling him towards the couch.

Ayo allowed her lead him and Kevwe lay down on the couch with her head on Ayo’s laps.

The story continues…