Deliver us from evil

It was about 6.30p.m. The weather was calm and the sun was just beginning its descent. I longed to get home as soon as I could. It had been a long day at work and I was tired. I turned the curve at the roundabout to climb up the bridge. The bridge was a dual carriage one which allowed motorists to drive facing the same direction on both sides of the bridge from 4.30p.m.

As I began my ascent, I noticed a man riding an okada and coming my way at full speed. I was wondering if he was new in the environment and did not realize that at this time of the day, I had right of way. Or maybe he missed the signage stating the timing at the foot of the bridge.

The okada man kept coming, not breaking his speed and I had to step on my brakes. The peak of the bridge could only take one car and I doubted the space left between my car and the railings of the bridge would take the bike speeding my way. If he was on a suicide mission, I did not want to help him achieve it.

Okada man

My mind told me he would divert just as he was about to get to me. Everything happened like a movie and I saw the okada hit my car right in front; the rider and his motorcycle falling to the ground in a split second. My jaw dropped as I wondered what had just happened.

The man quickly recovered. He stood up and came to my side trying to open my door. I have learnt to lock all doors and roll up all windows almost to the top (even in a car without an AC) especially in traffic. He struggled with the door and started banging on it as he asked me to open up.

As I sat in the car pondering what to do, some men who were driving behind me and also on the other side of the bridge parked their cars and came out. They ran towards my car as they started pushing the rider away from me. “Madam, don’t step out of that car.” One of the men shouted.

One of the men lifted up the okada from the ground and moved it to the side of the bridge. They told the rider that if he wasn’t careful, they would beat him up as they were all witnesses to all that happened. He was asked to get on his okada and drive off as the men also asked me to go.

Till date, I wonder what actually happened. Was he sleeping? Was his mind faraway? Only the rider can answer that question.


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