The three wedding ceremonies (the engagement, the church wedding and the reception) had been scheduled for the same day. The engagement started early in order to cater for the other ceremonies. In two and a half hours, the engagement was done with the early guests served finger foods and drinks. The church service was to start in about an hour and this gave ample time for the bride and the groom to get dressed.
Some guests proceeded to the church while some who were not present for the engagement ceremony arrived the church and sat down as they listened to the soft praise music oozing out of the church speakers.
The church service had been slated for two hours and the wedding proceedings started right on time. Vows were made, rings exchanged and the wedding register was signed. The couple, their family and their friends were excited.
As the church danced to the music dished out by the choir, the minister stated it was time for thanksgiving. He called mothers who wished to see such celebration in the life of the daughters or sons to come out for a “special” thanksgiving. The mothers danced rhythmically shaking their hips and bums with most headgears raised high as they moved to the front of the church to drop their offerings.
Next, the minister called the fathers to also share in the joy and proceed to the front of the church for their own “special” thanksgiving. A song was raised for the fathers and they all walked to the front even though they were meant to move their bodies to the music.
As the fathers walked back to their seats, the minister called all single ladies in the church who wished to get married someday to dance to the front of the church for their own “special” thanksgiving. Next, he called the single men to follow suit.
The service had gone for over two hours but the minister wasn’t done. He called the friends of the bride to follow suit in their own “special” thanksgiving and reminded the friends of the groom that it would be their turn soon. Different categories of people were called out for “special” thanksgiving; friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances etc before the whole church was asked to come out for a “special” thanksgiving. It was impossible for anyone present not to fall into a category. In fact, it was possible that some people fell into two or three categories.
A service that was meant to be done in two hours eventually spanned over three hours. By the time the service was over, some guests were tired and hungry. Those willing to attend the reception drove to the venue, while a few others just eased into their cars and drove home or stopped by at an eatery to have lunch.
There was no point going to the reception and eagerly awaiting item 7 which would probably take a while to be served. Those guests needed to bless their tummies just like the minister had made them bless the church.
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