I walk into the office space of the organization and present my documents to the lady at the front desk.
“Can I have your ID card ma?” she asks.
I present my ID card to her and she looks at it to compare the details with those on the letter I had earlier given to her.
“Please make a copy of your ID at the other reception” She points to an office in the direction I had just come in from.
I walk back to the previous reception and present my ID card to the lady behind the desk.
“It is 10 naira per copy”. She says.
I look around wondering if this reception is another organization. I see it is still the same organization as a signage stating same hangs on the wall.
“I’m sorry, why do I have to pay for this? I ask.
“That is the process. Photocopy is 10 naira per page”. She says with an attitude.
“I did not realize that your organization runs a business centre”. I respond as I pass the card to her.
I am thirsty and see that they have a water dispenser in the office.
“Can I have a disposable cup and do I have to pay for the water as well?” I ask.
The lady ignores my question but hands me a disposable cup.
With a copy of my ID card done, I walk back to the inner reception and ask the lady who initially attended to me; “Your organization runs a business centre right inside the office?”
“I am sorry ma. I mentioned it earlier that you would have to pay for it. You probably did not hear me”.
“Seriously? Is that the point?” I shake my head in disgust.
I pick up my renewed documents from her and head out.
I wonder why a PRIVATE institution will have to charge a token to offer a “supposed” free service. And to think that the charge had to come in the guise of a photocopy.
Sad! Really Sad!!
I guess because people have abused the system. It could also be the cost of ink, paper, petrol and dare I say $. These factors might have forced the company’s hands to have a “business Centre” on the side amongst other things.